Online threats, Suicide and How to help

Online Threats, Suicide, and How to Help Every day, people make the difficult and extreme decision to end their lives, for varying reasons. According to the National Crime Records Bureau,...

Why consent is important

Consent is the cornerstone of sexual activity. You must have heard the phrase, “A ‘no’ is a ‘no’”. While that is true to some extent in the context of consent...

Resources for persons struggling with attraction towards minors.

Paedophilia is a condition in which an adult person feels sexual attraction towards children, usually prepubescent children. This affliction towards prepubescent children can happen to pubescent children as well. Acting...

Removing unconsensual images from the internet

How to remove an image from the internet in India The internet may seem like a vast space with countless opportunities but the truth is that even in this vast...

Warning signs of Online Abuse

Listed below are some points which could be a sign of children being threatened or bullied online : Any drastic change in usual behaviour. Lack of sleep. Loss of appetite....

The caretakers’ guide to being the empathetic guardian

GUIDELINES FOR CARETAKERSIt is important for caretakers to be oriented towards the mental, emotional and physical well-being of the children that they are caring for. It is as important that...

On the ethical use of the internet

Internet use is tied closely to how we live our lives. So much so, that access to the internet has been declared a human right. And like all rights, one...

Decluttering – taking back control over our lives

If you find yourself among clutter, whether physical, emotional or mental clutter, decluttering these spaces can bring about clarity into your life and thoughts. By clearing up and minimising, it...

Unlocking the Power of Gratitude

Life is similar to a rollercoaster; like every rollercoaster, there will be ups and downs, good times and bad times, happiness and sadness, wins and losses and occasionally, it is...

Healing through forgiveness

As you go on in life, people and their words or actions will have an impact on you. In this journey, some people may hurt you, knowingly or unknowingly and...